Up to 20% reduction of electrical power for ventilation by using plug fans with state-of-the-art fan/motor technologies
Most of the energy consumption of air handling units is the electric one, used to run the fan motor. So high fan efficiency means, due to the high annual operating hours, effective energy saving. State-of-the-art plug fans with free-running centrifugal impellers lead to a significant increase of efficiency.
Driven by IEC motor with frequency inverters or external rotor motors with EC-technology and integrated EC-controller for the highest energy saving.
For bigger units and air volumes a modular system solution as Fan Wall with 3 to 9 fan modules is available. This system allows advantages as low space requirements, reduction of sound power and energy saving through optimum selection of fan modules with highest efficiency. So reductions of electrical power consumption up to 20% are possible.
Up to 40% reduction of electric power for cooling energy by exact calculation and use of energy recovery system in cooling mode with indirect adiabatic cooling
The exact calculation and the use of energy recovery system in cooling mode with additional indirect adiabatic cooling allow a decreasing of the cooling system (as chiller or compressor section for dx-cooling) and a reduction of the electrical power consumption up to 40%.
100% reduction of electrical power by using gas-fired steam humidifier
Moisten with sterile steam, which necessary in sensitive A/C plants, is a highly energy-intensive air treatment. For the production of 40 kg/h steam with an electric steam humidifier, an expensive electric power of approximately 30 kW is needed. By using a gas-fired steam humidifier lower priced natural gas can be used.